2018年8月20日至2019年8月21日,我以访问学者身份在美国TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY学习一年,本次访学由国家留学基金委员会资助。
本次访学期间的合作导师是LARS WINTHER CHRISTENSEN教授,LARS WINTHER CHRISTENSEN教授的研究方向是Applications of homological and homotopical algebra to ring theory。在访学的一年内,除了节假日,LARS WINTHER CHRISTENSEN教授每周与我讨论2-3次,每次2-3小时,主要研究相对同调代数中的前沿课题。具体来讲:
1. New characterizations of restricted injective dimensions for complexes.
We study the restricted injective dimensions of complexes. Some new characterizations of the restricted injective dimensions are obtained. In particular, it is shown that the restricted injective dimensions can be computed in terms of the restricted injective resolutions. As applications, we get some results on the behavior of the restricted injective dimensions under change of rings. In addition, a characterization of almost Cohen-Macaulay ring is obtained.
2. A Bass equality for Gorenstein injective dimension of modules finite over homomorphisms
The homological theory of modules over commutative noetherian rings comes out particularly elegant for finitely generated modules. One way to relax this finiteness condition---without sacrificing elegance---is to settle for finite generation over some noetherian, but otherwise arbitrary, extension ring. This theme has been systematically explored for at least fifteen years. As part of that effort, this short paper answers an open question in Gorenstein homological algebra.
3. A homological invariant based on Gorenstein flat cotorsion modules.
We study the Gorenstein flat cotorsion dimension for complexes over an associative ring, and we prove that it behaves as expected without any assumptions on the ring. Further, we prove that it is finite for every complex of finite Gorenstein flat dimension and that it is the same as the Gorenstein flat dimension for right coherent rings—the setting where Gorenstein flat dimension is known to behave as expected.
4. 论文列表:
[1] Lars Winther Christensen, Dejun Wu, A Bass equality for Gorenstein injective dimension of modules finite over homomorphisms, Arch. Math. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00013-019-01346-1, (2019). (SCI)
[2] Dejun Wu, New characterizations of restricted injective dimensions for complexes, Indian J. Pure and Appl. Math, to appear. (SCI)
[3] Lars Winther Christensen, Sergio Estrada, Li Liang, Peder Thompson, Dejun Wu, Gang Yang, A homological invariant based on Gorenstein flat cotorsion modules. Submit.
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与Lars Christensen教授的合影